Healing Outreach Partnerships for Empowerment (hope)
Healing Outreach Partnerships for Empowerment (HOPE) is a program designed to provide intensive outreach to individuals with severe mental illness who are living outside and are deemed most vulnerable. The HOPE program serves individuals who have been historically perceived as unreachable. Veterans will be located through extensive outreach efforts extended by the HOPE team. Case Management and peer support services will be offered to Veterans who meet criteria and are enrolled in the HOPE program. HOPE staff will assist eligible Veterans by referring them to mental health treatment and resources, primary health and dental care, as well as income assistance, employment, and housing. In appropriate situations HOPE is able to provide direct service funds to assist with rent and utilities deposits.
Veterans who have served one day in active duty military and who are literally homeless living in outside locations such as streets, camps, wooded areas, and abandoned buildings or under bridges may be eligible for our services. HOPE’s primary focus is street outreach to Veterans who are struggling with Mental Illness and are not currently accessing community resources.
Services may include:
Outreach Services:
Outreach services will be conducted where Veterans will be found (i.e. streets, camps, parks, shelters). HOPE Outreach includes observing individuals who appear to be experiencing homelessness and whose behavior, dress, speech, or affect appears to indicate possible severe mental illness. Outreach is face-to-face with the Veterans.
Case management services:
The Case Manager conducts face-to-face interviews to determine program eligibility and will complete an assessment of needs at the time of admission. The Case Manager collaborates with community providers, when authorized by the Veteran, to ensure that their service needs are met and duplication of services is minimized. The Case Manager will work directly with the Veteran on an Individualized Success Plan.
Peer Support Services:
Our Peer Support Specialists are Veterans who have previously experienced homelessness or are living in recovery from mental illness and substance use. They are North Carolina Certified Peer Support. They employ the same services as the case manager, in addition to engaging with the Veterans in a peer relationship.
Projects for Assistance in
Transition from Homelessness (PATH)
Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) is a program that mirrors HOPE in the civilian sector and seeks to reach both civilians and Veterans.
Services may include:
Outreach Services:
Outreach services will be conducted where homeless individuals will be found (i.e. streets, camps, parks, shelters). PATH outreach includes observing individuals who appear to be experiencing homelessness and whose behavior, dress, speech, or affect appears to indicate possible severe mental illness.
Case Management Services:
The Case Manager conducts face-to-face interviews to determine program eligibility and will complete an assessment of needs at the time of admission. The Case Manager collaborates with community providers, when authorized by the individual, to ensure that their service needs are met and duplication of services is minimized. The Case Manager will work directly with the client on an Individualized Success Plan.
Peer Support Services:
Our Peer Support Specialists often have previously experienced homelessness or are living in recovery from mental illness and substance use. They are North Carolina Certified Peer Support and they employ the same services as the case manager, in addition to engaging with the individuals in a peer relationship.
We Wrote The Book
In 2021, we compiled our best practices and homeless outreach approach into this booklet to help pave the way for others to participate in outreach safely and effectively.